As many of you know I made a pledge to try to do more faith-based projects in 2019 and another one came through to be on the cover of an issue of Beautiful & Dauntless. I of course jumped right on this but before I go to far here is how you can vote for me (in case you don’t want to read the whole article):
- CLICK HERE to go to the post on their page
- Like the post, and comment by saying (“Amen”, “Hello”, or your favorite Bible verse)
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Okay so back to why this matters to me. I have been blessed to work on a bunch of films and TV shows and a couple have already been faith-based. The nice part about those productions is the whole family can watch them and hopefully get something out of them. It’s nice to work on productions that are action-packed and full of punch too but every once in a while don’t you just want to watch something pleasant? I’d like to get more involved in making those.
I am working on a show called Little Cupid with Candice Cain (she is a really great writer/director/person). This one stars Cody Calafiore and a very talented cast. This is an amazing start to 2019 and I’ll be playing the role of the principal at the school (Mr. Earp for all of you GHS alumni). I’m also working on a family film called Walking Point that I think everyone will love.
Does this mean that I won’t still do action movies, superhero movies, or any other genre? Of course not. I’ll take the acting gigs that come my way and do them all to the best of my ability. This is more of an intentional effort to seek out faith-based films and to help support that segment of the industry as much as I can. In the end, I play a lot of supporting roles and often play the goofy dad, serious detective, or ex-military type and I’ll be more than happy to continue doing that as well.
Being “dauntless” to me in this regard is about the mindset of being intentional about showing my faith and values to the world. It’s not easy and not always well received but that’s all okay. Part of what we are called to do is stand firm and stand up for what we feel is right and what we have been called to do. I’m attempting to do that as best I can but certainly have a long ways to go to get it right. That’s okay, God’s still working on me. Thank you for reading this and for your support! Again you can go here to vote and share:
- CLICK HERE to go to the post on their page
- Like the post, and comment by saying (“Amen”, “Hello”, or your favorite Bible verse)
- Share the post with everyone you can (please)
I am currently well behind in the voting but with your help maybe we can push past that. Let’s all work together to make 2019 a better year and if you get nothing out of this just approach your day-to-day life recognizing the beauty of all that is around us and being dauntless about your convictions (whatever those may be). Thank you!
“This Good News tells us how God makes us right in his sight. This is accomplished from start to finish by faith. As the Scriptures say, “It is through faith that a righteous person has life.” – Romans 1:17
“You don’t have enough faith,” Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible. ” – Matthew 17:20