As you know by now, I really enjoy Twitter (@KenneyMyers) and see it as an interesting platform to explore different ways of communicating. Ideally, I attempt to communicate some message that has a meaning whether it is hidden or overt. Of course, I almost always have multiple meanings behind the prose I write which I think is fairly common. In addition, the beautiful thing about written words is that the people that read them also can get completely different meanings out of what you are saying. Okay, so back to the meaning of #twacronym… These are simply acronyms that I plan to release exclusively on twitter.
For example, the first one I did is HOLIDAYS – Help Others Love In Different And Youthful Spirits. Unlike with #twalliteration which honestly takes tons of time to pull off properly. #Twacronyms are really simple. All you have to do is capitalize the word that is the basis for the tweet, add a dash, and then one word for each letter in the base word (be sure to capitalize the first letter of each of those words). Finally, please use the #twacronym hashtag on each one you publish. That’s all you have to do!
It’s my hope that people will see the #twacronym each day and offer suggestions for other meanings of the base word. That may or may not happen and retweeting is also certainly a great way to support a #twacronym too. Most importantly, I hope that people will use this as yet another way to show their creativity to their followers. So let’s have some fun and start using #twacronym together!